A queer director-choreographer and playwright of Middle Eastern descent creating work about the Magic that exists between people.
Strangers, family, friends, lovers...
there is something that connects us all.
We are storytellers, it's a part of our most essential essence.
And when we listen and share our stories,
they illuminate the path towards transformative connection.
My name is Andrew Coopman (they/he+),
and I can't wait to work with you.

Projects I'm Ready For...
Orlando & Dead Man's Cell Phone by Sarah Ruhl
Empathitrax by Ana Nogueira
THRIVE, or What You Will by L M Feldman
Water by the Spoonful by Quiara Alegría Hudes
The Illusion by Tony Kushner
The Entire Ibsen Canon
The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht
The Convent of Pleasure by Margaret Cavendish
The Moors by Jenn Silverman
Secret in the Wings & Metamorphosis by Mary Zimmerman
Gross Indecency by Moises Kauffman
The Inheritance by Matthew Lopez
Silent Sky by Lauren Gunderson
Shakespeare's R&J by Joe Calarco
The Last 5 Years by Jason Robert Brown
Head Over Heels by the Go-Go's & Belinda Carlisle (✅)